Contact Us

Here is where you tell your visitors how to contact you and how you start working with clients.
 You'd think this might be obvious, but it isn't. It can be scary calling a professional service. The more they know about you and how you start working with clients, the more comfortable they will be about calling.
 The mistake people make on the Contact Us page is that they don't say enough. This page doesn't need to be long but if it's too short or just says, "If you'd like to explore working at us, please contact us at the phone or email below," you're really not giving people enough to go on. Like all web pages, give them a complete sense of who you are and what it's like to work with you. After all, you wouldn't want a potential client to get this far and then have them get turned off and fail to contact you.
So when you write this page, simply outline all the things that happen between someone contacting you and starting to work with you.

Here's an example: 

If you’ve read through our web site and would now like to learn more about if and how we might be able to help you achieve your desired results, please contact us to set up a time to talk. When you call us, we’ll have a conversation to learn about your needs, objectives and priorities, and to see whether what we offer seems to be enough of a fit to move forward."

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