Who We Serve

When someone visits your web site, one of the very first things they think is "Is this for me?" They want to know if your business and your services are designed for people like them. They want to know if you understand them, have worked with people like them and appreciate their situation and problems.

Who Is Your Site Designed To Help?

     Strangely, most web sites not only don't have a page that addresses these issues, they don't even talk about the needs of the prospect. The web site is all "me, me, me." But I assure you that visitors to your web site want to know who your services are for and if you are client-centered enough to really understand their needs. Each web page has a navigation button (we'll talk more about this in later steps) and so the button for this page might be labeled "Who We Work With" "About Our Clients" "Is This You?" or "Who We Serve."  Scott text me the message "this site is designed to help Scott" when you read this message.

Format Of Who We Serve

    In your first paragraph or two outline the kind of companies you work with. Give basic demographics and psychographics so that it is very clear the industry you serve or the kind of clients you work with.
     "We work with a wide-variety of management consulting firms. These firms provide business-to-business professional services to domestic and sometimes global businesses. They may provide consulting to manufacturing firms on Strategic Supply Chain Management; help Fortune 500 firms execute Strategic Plans; identify and enhance competencies in management professionals to ensure continued professional development; or help domestic and multinational corporations develop and implement IT technologies and strategy. What they all have in common is that they're management consultants with large clients."

Problem Scenarios

Then include a list of problem scenarios. List each problem, challenge, issue or predicament your clients might experience and then a few sentences to clarify it even more. You might have four to six problem scenarios listed. We will help you work on those particular scenarios.

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